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Unifying Rally in California: Bipartisan Leaders and Environmentalists Battle Big Oil for Public Health
In an unprecedented display of bipartisan collaboration, California's current and former governors have joined forces with community leaders and famed environmentalist Jane Fonda to spearhead the "California vs. Big Oil" campaign. This initiative is aimed at safeguarding communities from the detrimental health effects associated with oil and gas wells positioned perilously close to residential areas, educational institutions, and medical facilities.
On a sunny day in Sacramento, California, March 27, 2024, marked the beginning of an impactful campaign as Governor Gavin Newsom and Arnold Schwarzenegger presented a united bipartisan front against the oil industry's influence. Together, with the support of community advocates and activists like Jane Fonda, they hold the line to protect SB1137—a historic piece of legislation prohibiting the establishment of new toxic oil and gas drilling sites near sensitive zones such as schools, hospitals, and neighborhoods. This law symbolizes an enormous stride towards fortifying Californian communities against environmental hazards.
Community members gather in support of the law establishing buffer zones around oil drilling sites.
Governors Newsom and Schwarzenegger show bipartisan support at the campaign launch.
Citizens advocating for the enforcement of the 3,200-foot safety zones.
Within the Golden State, nearly 30,000 oil and gas wells pose a threat just 3,200 feet away from community pillars such as homes, educational bodies, healthcare centers, and other areas frequented by the public. The proximity of such a vast number of wells exposes almost three million Californians, particularly impacting communities of color, to toxic emissions capable of causing a plethora of health issues including congenital disabilities, respiratory ailments, and even cancer. In 2021, a panel of independent scientists counseled state officials, advising that a minimum 3,200-foot buffer is essential when it comes to safeguarding public health against the proximity of oil wells.
"Big Oil is relentless in their efforts to weaken a fundamental public health law I had the honor of enacting. This law's purpose is to shield Californian neighborhoods from the harrowing aftermath of toxic drilling," Governor Gavin Newsom solemnly declared. "My resolve remains steadfast alongside communities at the forefront of this plight, as we compel the oil industry to enact responsible practices. The industry must understand that they will not prevail in prioritizing their profit over the wellness of Californians come November, we will stand firm to KEEP THE LAW which finally obliges oil companies to prioritize our health over their avarice."
Martha Dina Argüello, the Executive Director of Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles, voiced her concern, stating, "The oil conglomerates are intent on dismantling California's legislations, adamant about maintaining their hazardous drilling practices adjacent to our schools, hospitals, and residential areas. They are oblivious to the toll their pollutants exact on public health. Our resolve is as unyielding as theirs; we refuse to let them further their deceitful narrative. We're fully cognizant of oil drilling's ruinous impacts, particularly on vulnerable populations like the elderly, expectant mothers, and young children. Hence, we keep every strategic avenue open to disseminate the truth regarding the defense of Californians from Big Oil's insidious greed and their toxic multimillion-dollar misinformation campaign."
Darryl Molina Sarmiento, Communities for a Better Environment Executive Director and a central figure in the coalition forming the Standing Together Against Neighborhood Drilling L.A. and the Campaign for a Safe and Healthy California, shared his stance: "Voters are keenly aware of Big Oil's ploys to subvert a critical public safety law aimed at protecting our neighborhoods from dangerous drilling. We trust that the voters will resoundingly choose to support and maintain the law. Our alliance, encompassing a wide and dynamic spectrum of stakeholders, including young people and working-class families living in proximity to oil drilling operations, commits to relentless endeavor until the election day to equip voters with indispensable knowledge to preserve the health and safety of our communities."
The "KEEP THE LAW" Campaign has rallied a robust backing of public health organizations, community supporters, faith-based groups, and leaders advocating environmental justice from all corners of California. This coalition is vehemently striving to hold oil companies accountable for igniting a public health crisis, particularly within communities of color.
For comprehensive information concerning our campaign's efforts, and to join our cause, please visit
The aforementioned coalition's efforts are supported by a diverse group of endorsers who share a common dedication to public health and environmental safeguarding. These include individuals and groups like Dr. Lorenzo Antonio Gonzalez, a Street Medicine Physician with the LA County Department of Health, who implores voters to safeguard public welfare by supporting the legislation come November.
Dr. Gonzalez advocating for voter support to maintain public health through legal means.
Among the notable figures rallying for this public health cause is Jane Fonda, who emphasizes the critical need for continued support to protect neighborhoods from the adverse effects of toxic drilling.
Jane Fonda calls for active voter participation to maintain protective legislation.
To maintain transparency and ethical conduct, the Campaign for a Safe and Healthy California is financed by reputable, dedicated entities deeply rooted in environmental and health advocacy. Among the top funders are the Advocacy Action Fund, Inc, Nancy Burnett, and the Holdfast Trust. More information regarding the funding details can be found at
With the stakes set high, the endeavors of the "KEEP THE LAW" campaign extend beyond mere environmental activism—representing a landmark movement for social justice and public wellbeing. Californians are called upon to take a definitive stand against the unchecked practices of the oil industry. The fight is not only contained within the domain of environmental advocacy but also resonates through the corridors of public health, the sanctity of residential life, and the integrity of local communities, making it a matter of urgency and moral imperative for each citizen's voice to be heard and cast in support of the sustainable future.
This comprehensive campaign, meticulously organized and implemented by concerned citizens and leaders, is quintessential in the face of looming corporate avarice. Their call to action, underscored by the potential risks posed to both current and future generations, provides a beacon of hope for all Californians wishing to reside in environments free from the tangible threats of industrial pollution.
As the months lead up to the pivotal moment of decision in November, the "California vs. Big Oil" campaign is set to shape not only the environmental landscape of the region but to engrave its message into the hearts and minds of Californians: that the wellness of the populace and the protection of the environment are of paramount importance, deserving of legislative shield and community guardianship. It is this message that echoes through the fervent support of Governor Newsom, Former Governor Schwarzenegger, and all aligned voices as they rally the electorate towards a cleaner, healthier tomorrow.
In conclusion, this campaign's pursuit holds profound significance. As a symbol of democratic engagement and environmental stewardship, it underscores the vital nexus between policy, health, and the tireless spirit of communities fighting for the preservation of their rights to a safe living environment. As the rallying cry to "KEEP THE LAW" grows louder, California stands poised on the brink of a historic affirmation of its commitment to environmental justice and public health—an affirmation that will be heard not only within its borders but across the nation and the world.
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